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The author of this blog is Patrick Rachford. Find me on GitHub here.

See my repository on the Saga’s pattern. See my tutorial on ETL pipelines.

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Page Order and Bloom’s Taxonomy

The order of the pages is intentional and built off of Bloom’s taxonomy.

  1. 🔍 How does CPI work?

    • Knowledge: This page provides foundational knowledge about Cross-Program Invocations (CPIs), explaining what they are and how they function. It’s the starting point for understanding the basic concepts and terms.
  2. 📚 CPI Tutorial

    • Comprehension: This tutorial guides users through the practical steps of implementing CPIs. By following along, users deepen their understanding and begin to apply their knowledge in a practical context.
  3. 🤔 Why Use CPIs?

    • Application: This section explains the rationale behind using CPIs, helping users understand the contexts and scenarios in which CPIs are beneficial. It encourages users to apply their knowledge to evaluate when and why to use CPIs.
  4. ⚖️ Comparisons

    • Analysis: Here, users can compare CPIs with other similar concepts or tools, analyzing the differences, advantages, and disadvantages. This analytical approach helps users critically assess CPIs in relation to alternatives.
  5. 🔧 Examples

    • Synthesis: This page provides practical examples and use cases, allowing users to synthesize their knowledge by seeing how CPIs are used in real-world scenarios. It helps bridge the gap between theory and practice.
  6. 🌟 Key Features

    • Evaluation: Finally, this section highlights the key features of CPIs, enabling users to evaluate the core strengths and benefits of using CPIs. It consolidates their learning and reinforces the key takeaways.