A Cross-Program Invocation (CPI) in Solana allows one program to invoke the instructions of another program, effectively enabling interaction between programs. Think of CPI as similar to calling an API endpoint, but within the Solana blockchain ecosystem. A CPI can be considered an internal API call where one program’s instruction invokes another program’s instruction directly. This mechanism extends signer privileges from the caller program to the callee program, allowing for more complex interactions.

This sequence shows how CPIs can enable complex interactions between multiple Solana programs, enhancing modularity and composability.

    participant User
    participant CallerProgram as Caller Program
    participant CalleeProgram as Callee Program
    participant OtherProgram as Another Program

    User->>CallerProgram: Initiate Transaction
    CallerProgram->>CallerProgram: Execute Instruction
    CallerProgram->>CalleeProgram: CPI - Invoke Instruction
    CalleeProgram->>CalleeProgram: Execute Instruction
    CalleeProgram->>OtherProgram: Optional CPI - Invoke Instruction (Depth 2)
    OtherProgram->>OtherProgram: Execute Instruction
    OtherProgram->>CalleeProgram: Return Result
    CalleeProgram->>CallerProgram: Return Result
    CallerProgram->>User: Transaction Completed

When making a CPI, a program can sign on behalf of a Program Derived Address (PDA). Additionally, the callee program can further invoke other programs up to a maximum depth of 4 CPIs. This layered invocation capability allows for sophisticated programmatic workflows within the Solana network.

To get started buiding a Cross-Program Invocation, see the Tutorial on Cross-Program Invocation.